Sunday, February 22, 2015

Mesilla Valley's Highway 28 in New Mexico

As I was driving home today from Las Cruces, NM. I realized how beautiful the Mesilla Valley really is. Even in February - I can't believe this weather! It was 79 degrees and the Organ's were magic; no wonder artists love to live here, indeed it is the light. Highway 28 meanders along the Rio Grande river from Las Cruces to La Union and provides a view into the Valley's history, a very rich history in culture and change. It is my intention to uncover a bit of this rich heritage and to share with you some of my findings. For those of you used to larger metropolitan areas Mesilla Valley's Highway 28 is really a two lane road through some of the most beautiful country in the high desert.  

When I first drove this area 35 years ago, the most significant feature on Highway 28 was the large pecan orchard called Stahmann's farms, with the trees overhanging the highway the light echoing through the limbs was literally hypnotic. Since then there are several new home developments, new farms, and a few new businesses, but the old charm remains.

This blog will feature Mesilla Valley's people and places with emphasis on homes and properties along the corridor from Las Cruces to Anthony.
It goes without saying that a video here and there will spirit the soul to new heights of enjoyment. 

Each blog will sport a video and contain at least one interview with a Mesilla Valley resident or business. I will do my best to keep the videos brief and interesting.

See my video blogs of Mesilla Valley's most interesting people, places and property..