Monday, May 11, 2015

Buyer's Market in Mesilla Valley's Highway 28 Corridor

If you are thinking about buying a home or ranch in the Mesilla Valley, now is the time to do it. It is a buyer’s market for sure. I’m not sure how long that situation will last, but for now money talks.

The illustrated Highway 28 corridor from the southern edge of Mesilla down to Santa Teresa includes some of the most beautiful land and farms in Southern New Mexico, close to El Paso and Las Cruces with weather designed for growing things abundantly.

In the sample there are 41 homes and ranches available for sale. The median price is a little under $200,000 which means there are bargains available. 

As a Contrast...

Sometimes it is hard for the brain to wrap around the idea that right now in Silicon Valley, there are multiple buyers making offers over the same property. The average time on the market is 7 days. That’s what you call a seller’s market.

Of course, that is not likely to happen here because we have plenty of land and we do not have the plethora of technology centers that employ so many people. Also hard to imagine is the average price for a house in SV is somewhere north of $900,000.

Back to Reality and the Mesilla Valley ...

I’m particularly fond of an area where the houses (big beautiful ones) are lined up on a 4,000 foot runway so the pilots walk directly to their hangers and taxi out to the runway then off into the wild blue yonder!  Yes, the houses are on Highway 28 in the Mesilla Valley and I will do a feature video in the next week or so – stay tuned.

If you are looking to purchase in this area soon, make sure you have a good buyer’s agent to represent your interests. There is no cost to you and with a qualified Realtor you can (and probably will) save thousands on the transaction. 

If you don’t have one, give me a call. I will be happy to give you a tour of the area.

Gary 575 520-5515